English Worksheet... English.....

English worksheet
1. Fable :
A Fable by Hadley R.
In the beginning of time, deep down in the depths of the ocean there lived a jellyfish named Mertle and a fish named Yunky. These two had been best friends as long as they could remember and they were always together.
Mertle was a little different from Yunky, not only because Mertle was much squishier than normal fish, but because his personality was a little freakish as well. You see, Mertle was constantly looking for approval from the other fish, even the ones that repeatedly mocked Yunky and hurt his feelings. Yunky was a little slow so he never really caught on to the teasing or the fact that Mertle still looked up to these bully fish.
One day these bully fish were teasing Yunky unmercifully, and he began to understand the cruelty of their jokes. Yunky looked up to Mertle with tears in his eyes and asked him if the two of them could just go play together away from all the other fish. Mertle looked at his poor innocent best friend that needed him now more than ever before, and then looked at the other fish. These fish were being and tough, and they always had girl fish flirting with them. Mertle looked Yunky straight in the eye, and told him to go home by himself, because he had new friends now and didn't need him.
Yunky swam home alone and left Mertle there with the other fish. The other fish, seeing that Mertle looked much different from the rest of them, moved on to him as their victim of verbal abuse. In the end proving that it never pays off to be spineless.
a. Title : A fable by Hadley R. (Mertle and Yunky)
b. Orientation :
i. Who : Mertle, the jellyfish; Yunky, the fish; other fish
ii. When : In the beginning of time
iii. Where : deep down in the depths of the ocean
c. Complication :
i. Both two (Mertle and Yunky) Always be bullied by the other fish
ii. Yunky couldn’t hold that bullying anymore, so he asked Mertle to leave them
d. Resolution
i. Mertle chose The other fish than his friend, Yunky
ii. Mertle was eaten by the other fish
2. Explanation text about share/ stock
In a company, the important thing is a financial capital. The company has many ways to get a financial capital, as big as a company needs.
I take one example, share/ stock. Share/ stock is a financial capital from other person or company. It calculates and be the main financial capital for the company.
The company must announces its notes for financial statement to public, so that person or other company can make a conclusion that he/ she/ it wants to buy that share/ stock or not.
When a person chooses to buy that share/ stock, he/ she can be called an “investor”. All the investor must do is answer, how much money that it (the investor) has, and how much share/ stock will it buy. The greater the share/ stock is bought by the investor, the greater financial capital does the company has.
After the investor finish the transaction between itself and the company, the investor will has a chance to own or to order that company.
In the end of the year, the company will hold a meeting. In that meeting, the company gives dividends to all of the investor. That’s how share/ stock produce money to the investor and the company. The investor can get dividend each year, and the company can has a big amount of financial capital to the directness of the company.
3. Discussion
Title : Keyboard Covers, Pro and Contra
We all know Laptop is sensitive, not only about its monitors, but also its keyboard. In preventing the risk of the broken keyboard, people used to use a keyboard covers. It usually made with silicon, it wrapped closely to peoples laptop keyboard.
It flexible, easy to be washed, covers peoples laptop keyboard from fungus, viruses, bacteria, dust, fallen water, fallen food, and so on. It has an important function, that’s the positive points.
But, other people used to blame keyboard covers, why? Because keyboard covers hold the heat over the keyboard. The heat from laptop that moves up to the keyboard to make an air circulation in laptop becomes useless. So, when the heat is held by the keyboard covers, it makes the laptop over heated.
To put the whole thing into a nutshell, I personally think that keyboard covers is important for the rest of our keyboard, we can use a trick for the heat problem. We can use a fan to reduce the heat. That’s the point.
4. Film review
Title : Dangerous Love
Genre : Drama, comedy, romance
Year : 2006
Director : I don’t know
Stars : 1. Jung Yunho
2. Yeongwoon Jaejoong
3. Choikang Changmin
4. Park Yoochun
5. Kim Junsu
6. Park Hee-bon
7. Kim Bo Mi
Dangerous love is an episode of Banjun Theater project TV show by South Korean Boy Band TVXQ for SBS in 2006. Total episode of the Banjun Theater is 7 episodes. Like the other Banjuns, each episode consists of a twist ending.
After a photo shot near forest, TVXQ (band, consists of Yunho, Jaejoong, Changmin, Yoochun, Junsu) took a rest in a villa. Junsu that really likes playing soccer, sneak out of the villa with Changmin. When Changmin was looking for the ball, suddenly he fell and fainted. Then Junsu did the same thing when he was looking for Changmin. They were rescued by Hee-bon, and they soon discovered that she will not let them go.
Back to the villa, the other members was worrying of Changmin and Junsu. Yoochun busy with his own mind that being extremely worried about them. After reading a romantic fan fiction about Jaejoong (himself) and Yunho, Jaejoong became anxious. Why Yunho being extremely nice to him.
This Drama teaches us to have a good behavior. It likes a real happen around us. Although there’s a scene that contains something intangible, but it still can make you enjoy it.
Dangerous Love is a great drama that Korean ever had.
5. Conversation about confession and blaming
Changmin : *walks around DBSK’s dormitory, suddenly sees DBSK’s leader hold a broken camera* is it Jae’s camera? Why does it break?
Yunho : Um… it’s… umm…
Changmin : *found out the clumsiness of the leader, so he about to bully the leader* HYUUUUUUUNNGGGG!!!!!! *uses Korean* COME HERE! THERE’S SOMETHING I WANT TO SHOW TO YOU!!!! *calls the members, Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu*
Yunho : *does nothing except looks at the camera, imagines about what will happen*
Jaejoong : *pants* Y… yah! Yah! Choikang Changmin! What happ… *the words are stopped by the moves of Changmin’s finger*
Changmin : *points to the broken camera in Yunho’s hand*
Jaejoong : W… what? Y… YAH, JUNG YUNHO!!!
Yoochun : *arrives with Junsu*
Yunho : *bows* I’m sorry, Jaejoong, I broke your camera
Jaejoong : *sighs* It’s because you brought it to the forest, am I right?
Yunho : Yeah… I’m sorry
Yoochun : Hey! I told you before!
Yunho : I’m so…
Junsu : Yoochun is right! It was your own fault!
Changmin : *nods*
Yunho : O… ok, I admit I was wrong
Changmin : Aigoo *uses Korean*
Jaejoong : What did you expect? You should listen to us…
Changmin : *nods, points his finger to Yunho, shakes it in front of Yunho’s face*
Yunho : *puts his head down* you’re right, and I was wrong, I was the one to blame
Yunho : *sobs* It was my own fault, I’m sorry I have made a mistake
Junsu : It’s no use crying over split milk
Changmin : *nods, shakes his head, makes a noisy voice from his mouth* ckckck
Yoochun : *nods, plays with his foot* tap tap tap
Yunho : *sobs*
Jaejoong : *sees Yunho*
Yunho : *sobs*
Jaejoong : *hugs Yunho and sighs* Perhaps that’ll teach you a lesson, Yunho. Don’t be a cry baby.

made by me, story


Sinar matahari mengintip dari jendela kamar, menelusup ke celah mataku yang masih tertutup untuk terbuka, segera kuambil jam wekker di meja kecil persis di samping kasurku dengan mata masih tertutup. Pelan kubuka mataku, masih kabur, tetapi aku tahu pasti jarum pendek di jam wekker itu menunjuk ke arah angka 7.
Mama dengan santai menjawab, “Tadi mama bangunin kok, tapi kamunya ga bangun- bangun. Oh ya, air untuk mandinya sudah siap.”
Berlari menuju kamar mandi yang terasa sangat jauh. Setelah selesai membersihkan tubuhku, segera kusongsong bau sedap dari dapur mama.
“MAAAMAAA.......” teriakku, sedikit memelas.
Tanpa harus kujelaskan lagi, mama mengambil gelas besar berisi susu. Segera kuminum sarapanku itu.
“Ma... aku pergi du,” perkataanku terpotong oleh sikat gigi yang disodorkan oleh mama, “Heehee... makasi, Ma.”
Kuselesaikan dengan cepat ritual kebersihan gigi itu, “Ma... Arin pergi sekolah dulu ya, Ma. Assalamuallaikum...”
Sayup- sayup kudengar mama menjawab salamku, dalam hati aku mengamini salam dari mama tersayangku.
Kuhidupkan sahabat setia perjalananku.
“Jangan rewel ya, Sayang.” bisikku pada Honda Mio yang sedang kunaiki.
Perjalanan yang terasa sangat panjang. Padahal hanya dari Teluk sampai Gor Satria Purwokerto, tetapi entah mengapa pagi ini terasa sangat jauh. Inilah akibat dari kesiangan.
Aku menghirup nafas dalam- dalam sebelum motor kesayanganku mulai memasuki Komplek Gerilya.
“Semoga ga telat, Amin.” kataku pada diri sendiri.
Saat melihat ke sekeliling sekolahku terlihat sepi, “Ah, semoga ga ada hukuman. Lagi ada acara, kan? Pesti ga ada yang mau catet siapa yang telat...” hiburku.
Sontak aku terlonjak, untung saja motorku ini mudah dikendalikan. Aku yakin, seharusnya aku jatuh tadi. Sempat terpikir olehku, bahwa aku dipanggil petugas kedisiplinan. Sayangnya (atau untungnya?), ternyata anggapanku tadi itu salah.
Aku segera berlari setelah memakirkan motorku, “FITHRIAAA, aku kaget banget lo... tadi aja aku hampir jatuh.”
“Eh? Wa... wa... maaf, Rin. Tapi... anu... aku si kenapa, ya?” jawab Fithria yang malah berbalik bertanya padaku.
“Itu lo... tadi pas kamu manggil aku... aku kirain Laksmi mau nyatet aku gara- gara telat.
“Aduh, maaf ya....”
Aku hanya menganggukkan kepalaku, “yang lain mana?”
“Beum dateng.” jawab Fithria seadanya, membuatku bingung.
Melihatku kebingungan, Fithria berkata, “kamu gasik banget si soalnya. Tapi Fiqoh udah dateng sama Ega.”
“Gasik?” aku tambah kebingungan.
“Iya lah, Rin. Sekarang baru jam setengah tujuh kurang lima.”
“Woaaah” tanpa sadar aku bersuara sambil menghela nafas, memecah keheningan di mobil Zulfa yang melaju kencang menuju desa yang berada di wilayah Cilacap.
“Kenapa, Rin?” tanya Icha yang berada di jok belakang.
“Engga, Cuma ingat kejadian tadi pagi.”
“Emang apa, Rin. Ceritain dong.” Ummu yang duduk di sebelah kiriku ikut bertanya.
Kudengar suara tertawa kecil dari seseorang yang duduk di sebelah kananku, “Apalah, Fit...”
“Lho, ada apa sih? Fit, emang kenapa sih?” tanya Annisa yang duduk di sebelah Icha rupanya ikut penasaran.
“Laaaaah... pokoknya itu.” kataku sambil tersenyum, hampir tertawa membayangkan kejadian memalukan tadi pagi.
“Yaaaaaah...” Icha, Annisa, dan Ummu menjawab dengan serempak.
“Waaaah, ternyata jauh juga.” pikirku.
Setelah selesai membantu memindahkan sembako dan pakaian pantas pakai dari mobil, aku segera mempersiapkan diri menjadi petugas kesehatan yang akan membantu terlaksananya program dokter gratis.
“Zal, kok dokterya belum dateng? Gimana nih, udah banyak yang ngantri.” tanyaku.
“Iya, kata Ustadz Ma’sum udah di telepon, kok. Mungkin lagi sibuk.” jawab Amrizal yang terlihat bingung.
“Aduh, kasihan banyak yang ngantri.”
“Iya..., ya sudah. Kamu ajak ngobrol aja dulu.”
“Lho, kok?”
“Iya, ajak ngobrol aja.” Amrizal pergi terburu- buru karena dipanggil leh Ustadz Heru.
“Yah, gimana yaa?” ujarku dalam hati.
Kemudian aku melihat seorang nenek mencari tempat duduk. Segera kuambil tempat duduk plastik warna hijau disebelahku. Kupersilahkan nenek itu duduk.
Nenek itu bertanya, “Nduk, wonten pundi doktere?”
“Nah, lho. Aku ga terlalu bisa bahasa jawa.” ujarku dalam hati.
“Dereng dhateng, Mbah.” jawabku sesopan mungkin.
Nenek itu langsung terlihat sedih. Kucoba membuatnya gembira, kutanyakan keadaan keluaganya, dan lain- lain. Nenek itu mulai terlihat senang, dia bercerita banyak hal, dari anak sampai cucu, dari pengalaman indah sampai buruk.
Walaupun aku agak sedikit terganggu dengan nenek itu yang bau pesing, tetapi aku senang bisa mengajaknya berdialog.
Setelah kurang lebih dua jam, akhirnya Dokter yang ditunggu- tunggu datang. Aku disibukkan oleh keramaian warga desa yang ingin berobat.
Walaupun rasa capai selalu menghampiriku, tetapi mengingat betapa senangnya warga yang menerima pengobatan gratis, entah mengapa rasanya senang sekali.
Aku tersentak, “Ada apa, Fit?”
“Tadi kamu hebat banget, lho. Aku salut.” kata Fithria.
“Makasih, tapi kenapa, ya?”
“Itu loh, tadi yang sama nenek yang di sana.” kata Fithria sambil menunjukkan jarinya ke arah pengeras suara.
“Iya, Rin. Kamu keren banget.” ujar Fiqoh dan Iis bersamaan.
Aku terseyum bangga. Aku teringat nasehat dari nenek itu, lakukanlah yang ingin kamu lakukan, gapailah apa yang kamu inginkan, dalam hidupmu tak ada kesempatan yang sama, kelolalah sebaik mungkin apa yang sudah kamu miliki saat ini.
“MAMAAAA..............!” teriakku sesampainya di rumah.
“Iya, Sayang.”
Kupeluk mama dengan sangat erat sambil teringat akan nasehat yang diberikan oleh nenek di acara PLM tadi.
Kemudian kuceritakan apa yang tadi kualami di desa tadi. Mama mendengarkannya dengan seksama. Sampai akhirnya aku ingat suatu hal.
“Eh, kok Mama ga ngasih tau sih?” tanyaku dengan memasang wajah cemberut.
“Kasih tau apa, Sayang?”
“Itu... tadi pagi... sebenarnya... aku bangun jam enam, kan?”


review film/ drama

Title : Dangerous Love
Genre : Drama, comedy, romance
Year : 2006
Director : I don’t know
Stars : 1. Jung Yunho
2. Yeongwoon Jaejoong
3. Choikang Changmin
4. Park Yoochun
5. Kim Junsu
6. Park Hee-bon
7. Kim Bo Mi
Dangerous love is an episode of Banjun Theater project TV show by South Korean Boy Band TVXQ for SBS in 2006. Total episode of the Banjun Theater is 7 episodes. Like the other Banjuns, each episode consists of a twist ending.
After a photo shot near forest, TVXQ (band, consists of Yunho, Jaejoong, Changmin, Yoochun, Junsu) took a rest in a villa. Junsu that really likes playing soccer, sneak out of the villa with Changmin. When Changmin was looking for the ball, suddenly he fell and fainted. Then Junsu did the same thing when he was looking for Changmin. They were rescued by Hee-bon, and they soon discovered that she will not let them go.
Back to the villa, the other members was worrying of Changmin and Junsu. Yoochun busy with his own mind that being extremely worried about them. After reading a romantic fan fiction about Jaejoong (himself) and Yunho, Jaejoong became anxious. Why Yunho being extremely nice to him.
This Drama teaches us to have a good behavior. It likes a real happen around us. Although there’s a scene that contains something intangible, but it still can make you enjoy it.
Dangerous Love is a great drama that Korean ever had.

My first fanfic

hyay!!! i wrote my first fanfic!! about dbsk / tvxq / tohoshinki
ooo yeah!!

i like it!

n no smut


failed fanfic

u hummm.......

this is ummm lil jaeho...

but failed!


when yunho broke jae's camera

Changmin : *walks around DBSK’s dormitory, suddenly sees DBSK’s leader hold a broken camera* is it Jae’s camera? Why does it break?
Yunho : Um… it’s… umm…
Changmin : *found out the clumsiness of the leader, so he about to bully the leader* HYUUUUUUUNNGGGG!!!!!! *uses Korean* COME HERE! THERE’S SOMETHING I WANT TO SHOW TO YOU!!!! *calls the members, Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu*
Yunho : *does nothing except looks at the camera, imagines about what will happen*
Jaejoong : *pants* Y… yah! Yah! Choikang Changmin! What happ… *the words are stopped by the moves of Changmin’s finger*
Changmin : *points to the broken camera in Yunho’s hand*
Jaejoong : W… what? Y… YAH, JUNG YUNHO!!!
Yoochun : *arrives with Junsu*
Yunho : *bows* I’m sorry, Jaejoong, I broke your camera
Jaejoong : *sighs* It’s because you brought it to the forest, am I right?
Yunho : Yeah… I’m sorry
Yoochun : Hey! I told you before!
Yunho : I’m so…
Junsu : Yoochun is right! It was your own fault!
Changmin : *nods*
Yunho : O… ok, I admit I was wrong
Changmin : Aigoo *uses Korean*
Jaejoong : What did you expect? You should listen to us…
Changmin : *nods, points his finger to Yunho, shakes it in front of Yunho’s face*
Yunho : *puts his head down* you’re right, and I was wrong, I was the one to blame
Yunho : *sobs* It was my own fault, I’m sorry I have made a mistake
Junsu : It’s no use crying over split milk
Changmin : *nods, shakes his head, makes a noisy voice from his mouth* ckckck
Yoochun : *nods, plays with his foot* tap tap tap
Yunho : *sobs*
Jaejoong : *sees Yunho*
Yunho : *sobs*
Jaejoong : *sighs*
Yunho : *sobs*
Jaejoong : *sighs deeply and hugs Yunho* Perhaps that’ll teach you a lesson, Yunho. Don’t be a cry baby.